A new area “Good Tool Market” has opened on the 1st floor in JOZU+.
The consept is a tool shop that you feel very attached to it.
Outdoor gear, antique items, and selected stationalies are displayed close to fireplace.
Besides, 400 records and the audio equipment on display are be able to purchase.
These items must be irresistible for gadget lovers and music lovers.
The simple but impactful “Senkyu Very Match” T-shirt is an original product only available here. You also can see original goods of JOZU Kosakusho.
“Senkyu (1000 combinations in Japaese) Very Match” is our company concept.
Our representatives are planning various events in this space on weekends.
Please come for a visit us.
Closed: Mondays, Tuesdays
Please check Instagram for the latest information.